Thank you for your interest in Great Hearts Academies!
Openings are listed below for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 academic years. Not all openings are known at this time, but they will be continuously updated throughout the Spring semester. You are encouraged to apply now for early engagement with our academies. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to careers@greathearts.org.
Last updated 2.17.25
Arizona Academy Openings – Choose Your School
Anthem • Arete • Chandler • Cicero • Glendale • Lincoln • Maryvale • North Phoenix • Roosevelt • Scottsdale • Trivium • Veritas • AZ Online
For interest in an Arizona academy-specific Substitute Pool, Apply Here
Contact: Teresa Clark
Contact: Zack Withers
Contact: Cassie Mason
Contact: Melanie Attridge
Contact: Lisa Brady
Contact: John Paul Poppleton
Contact: Stephanie Kaye
Contact: Christa Reichert
Contact: Suzanne DeStefano
Contact: Kyle Navarrette
Contact: Yvette Cooper
Contact: Eric Tope
Contact: Crystal Cruz
Contact: Rachel Mercado
Contact: Thomas Taylor
Contact: Erin Lentz
Contact: Jamie Fairbanks
Contact: Tony Cruz
Contact: Samantha Magary
Contact: Mark McAfee
Contact: Clay Scott
Contact: Daniel Schutten
Contact: Megan Opitz
Contact: Theresa Weiland
Contact: Jamee Twardeck
Louisiana Academy Openings
For interest in a Louisiana academy-specific Substitute Pool, Apply Here
Contact: Samuel Heisman
Florida Academy Openings
Texas Academy Openings – Choose Your School:
Dallas/Ft. Worth: Arlington • Irving • Lakeside • Prairie View
For interest in a North Texas academy-specific Substitute Pool, Apply Here
San Antonio: Forest Heights • Invictus • Live Oak • Monte Vista • Northern Oaks • Western Hills
For interest in a San Antonio academy-specific Substitute Pool, Apply Here
TX Online
Contact: Andrew Duininck
Contact: Dena Franco
Contact: Charles Brogan
Contact: Amber Dyer
Contact: Alex Frkovic
Contact: Katy Monwai
Contact: Dr. Menetra Milligan
Contact: David LaPointe
Contact: Anne-Kathleen Borushko
Contact: Paul Gustowski
Contact: Leah Hammonds
Contact: Terri Monteverdi
Contact: Gretchen Williams
Contact: Cynthia Audelo
Contact: Kate Imber
Contact: Michael Mathie
Contact: Marcy Mitchel
Contact: Robert Funes
Contact: Kyla Absher
Contact: Trinette Keffer
Contact: Brian Daigle
Great Hearts Nova/National Online Openings
Meet and interview with Headmasters and school leadership from Great Hearts academies across Dallas/Ft. Worth! Two locations, two different dates!
Meet and interview with Headmasters and school leadership from Great Hearts academies across San Antonio! Two locations, two different dates!